I. YAMA - Attitudes to cultivate towards others.
1. Ahimsa - Non violence; not causing pain to any living being including ourselves.
2. Satya - Truthfulness; mindful communication through speech, writings, gesture
and action.
3. Asteya - Non stealing; the ability to resist desire for that which does not belong
to us.
4. Bramacharya - Conservation of energy, including moderation in sexual relationships,
for the pursuit of spiritual goals.
5. Aparigraha - Non Greed; the ability to accept only what is appropriate.
II. NIYAMA - Attitudes to cultivate toward ourselves.
1. Saucha - Purity; cultivating cleanliness of the body and mind; keeping even our
surrondings clean.
2. Santosha - Contentment; the ability to be comfortable with what we do and do not
3. Tapas - Consciously accepting mental and physical pain as purification and
an opportunity to learn.
4. Svadhyaya - Self study; study of spiritual teachings and their applications to
our lives.
5. Isvarapranidhanani - Self surrender; allowing ourselves to be guided by the Truth.